Certificate Course on Heritage Conservation 101: A Field Guide for Built Environment Professionals
12 February – 21 February 2023, 10 Days
Venue: Ahmedabad (On – Campus & On- Site)
Where to apply: cpp.cept.ac.in
These ten days course on ‘Heritage Conservation 101: A Field Guide for Built Environment Professionals’ is intended for built environment professionals. The course covers why heritage conservation is significant and what are the specific ways in which it impacts communities. It covers aspects of Modern Heritage, Monumental Heritage and Urban Heritage. The course will be held on-campus and on-site.
The course is tutored by eminent academics and practitioners of the profession. This is a great opportunity for professionals to learn through case studies of different scales and adding Heritage as an integral part of the design and planning process.
Applications Open! Limited Seats. Admission on first come-first serve basis!
Open for Architects, Urban Designers, Planners, Project Leads and Civil, Infrastructure and Structural Engineer or allied fields.
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